How are other #systemschange consultants doing?

If you are curious about what other systems change consultants are doing, thinking, feeling about their work and practice over the last year, check out this interview with Brooking Gatewood (The Emergence Collective).

Together with Rebecca Petzel, she has been nurturing a community of practice, of individual and small consultancy systems change practitioners, mainly in North America, to support, connect and create the conditions to sense make collectively into the field of systems change at this moment in history.

Funded by Garfield Foundation and spearhead by Jen Berman, this has been an experiment, loosely connected to Illuminate.

We recorded a short interview and chopped it up into even shorter segments, so you can get a quick hit of what we have been doing, the culture, the insights that have emerged and where the group might go next. Check it out here.


On the Edge of Systems Change: a Clubhouse chat with Tanya Birl


NEW! The Illuminate SIGNAL Report: Building the Field of Systems Change