The River Delta

The River Delta is a community of practice of systems change consultants in North America.

It has been meeting monthly, virtually over 2021, to connect, deepen relationships and to see what emerges as a result.

Rachel (The Systems Sanctuary) interviewed Brooking Gatewood (The Emergence Collective) at her house which is about 5 mins down the road from Brooking’s in St Louis Missouri, just before the holidays 2021.

They talked about Brooking’s work hosting this community in partnership with Rebecca Petzel (also The Emergence Collective) over the last year on behalf of the Illuminate Learning Node.

A big thank you has to go to the brilliant Jen Berman (previously of Garfield Foundation), who spearheaded the idea and made it happen and to Katie Mamen (Water Bear Collaborative), who helped facilitate and make sense of the key insights that emerged from it.

River Delta has been co-created my the participants who took part in it and there are many more stories to tell about how this has influenced and shifted the practice of those who took part in it. More to come…

1.27 mins


Brooking Gatewood introduce yourself…

1.42 mins


How are systems shifting & why do we need a group like River Delta?

3.04 mins


How did it begin?

3.45 mins


The Santa Fe gathering of River Delta. What happened?

1.43 mins


How is the role of systems change consultants in North America changing?

5.19 mins


Tell us more about The River Delta Coaching Pilot…

1.47 mins


Whats the highest potential for River Delta now?