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Power, Justice and Systems Change with Vanessa Mason


The Power, Justice and Systems Change Webinar Series explores systems practice from diverse contexts and perspectives - providing space for learning across practices from systems leaders who have vast and deep experience in understanding how power and justice inform and strengthen the systems change field and strategies. The interactive series is an international conversation about power in the systems change field and the role of equity and justice work in changing systems. The series aims to enhance the capacity of the field to bring a power and justice analysis to the work, and center the voices, expertise and leadership of those who are most harmed by our failing systems. The interactive series creates connection between those identifying in the emerging systems change field informed by complexity and systems science and those doing systems change work using narratives and approaches less often practiced (i.e. social movements, grassroots and community organizing) in dominant academic cultures.

Join the series kick-off on October 18th with Vanessa Mason (she/her), hosted by Luis Alejandro Tapia.

Vanessa is a principal of Building Cultures of Belonging on the programs team at Omidyar Network. Prior to joining Omidyar Network, Vanessa worked as a research director for the Institute for the Future where she helped organizations think systematically about the future. 

Trained as a social science researcher and public health practitioner, Vanessa utilized cross-disciplinary perspectives and mixed qualitative methods to understand emerging behaviors, values, and consumer insights to redesign and reimagine well-being and belonging across business, social, and civic spheres. Vanessa is a plant mom loving wit, wanderlust and whiskey.

Learn more about Vanessa here.

During Our Sessions We Will:

  • Profile and amplify practitioners and systems leaders who are working from a power and justice lens 

  • Challenge perceived wisdom, roles and actors in the systems change field 

  • Host a collaborative inquiry into the connections between systems change and justice 

  • Share practices, resources, learning and insight about systems change, power and justice 

  • Facilitate conversations about power, equity and justice work in changing systems 

  • Create opportunities for new understanding and humility in dominant systems change cultures 

  • Build connection points between work located in the deep roots (healing, justice and community) 

  • Integrate our learning equitably and meaningfully, deeply and broadly 

  • Inform our collective platforms/ecosystem as we continue to develop a global network of systems leaders 

We want to keep the conversation around equity relevant everywhere while acknowledging that the term  has different resonance in different disciplines, domains and countries. We will be holding the sessions in English, and realize this poses limitations to participation and perspectives that are critical to the conversation. This webinar series is a continuation and invitation to the conversations and inquiries alive in the Illuminate Network. This work continues to evolve and respond to the feedback and calls from colleagues, partners, participants, and these sessions will inform how the conversation and format evolves. 

We use Illuminate’s collective platform to build connections and synergies that center systems change and justice around the world. If you are actively contributing in this way, or are interested in learning more about approaches and perspectives related to this critical work, we hope you will join the conversation!   

Thank you to our partners, the Lankelly Chase Foundation and the School of System Change.

October 17

On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Janvieve Williams Comrie

November 1

Power, Justice and Systems Change with Janvieve Williams Comrie